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Leadership Effectiveness

Leadership and Management Effectiveness

From ancient to modern times theories of leadership have been plentiful, frequently driven in past times by the needs of effective military leadership. But what are the keys to effective leadership in contemporary organisations, where the greatest successes result from freeing people to use their potential and creativity? How can managers and leaders release the 'discretionary effort' of all members of the organisation?

We believe that leadership is an increasingly important function of good management - and that effective management is vital to strong organisational leadership. We use a range of training and development approaches, often using 360º feedback, to develop and equip great leaders at all levels of organisations. The key in each situation is to identify what are the relevant key success factors. For instance, is leadership exercised "at a distance" - by powerful vision and symbolic actions - or is it the "close-up" leadership of a good manager - supporting and enabling high performance on a day-to-day basis.

We are happy to work with you to work out what are the appropriate leadership values and behaviours for your situation, and then to help you make them work for the benefit of the organisation.


Sample Case Studies

Developing leadership 'bench strength' in Middle East culture

Building strategic capability in senior engineers

Working with the Board of an f.m.c.g. company to implement a new matrix organisation structure by identifying the key values and behaviours required.

Designing and delivering training for international, cross-cultural groups of key leaders in a multinational company, enabling them to support the organisation's growth leadership requirements.