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Organisational Learning

Learning in the Organisation

Many of our consultants have held senior training/learning management positions in a variety of industry sectors. Together with you, we can bring considerable expertise to bear on the challenges of designing training/learning management systems at all levels of organisation, from 'shop-floor' skills training systems to sophisticated management development processes. Our contribution to the partnership is to ensure that systems are always practical to run and designed to bring best practice to the learning value chain.

As contributors to existing training/learning systems we have a wide range of content and delivery expertise, with special interest in the personal and interpersonal skills which make business work through skills such as strategic influencing, internal consultancy and negotiation. We do not run public programmes; every learning event is designed to meet the specific needs of our client organisations. In this way we ensure that the best value is gained to meet the real world needs of participants. It our practice to design programmes with pre- and post-event work which will integrate the learning event itself into a wider learning process 'on the job', engaging the support of the organisation's management as appropriate.

We always prefer to work alongside you internal specialists, where you have them. This ensures that management processes and learning events alike not only use the best available practice from outside your organisation, but are also grounded in the best practice within your organisation. Such an approach also helps avoid the "not invented here" syndrome.


Sample Case Studies

Developing leadership 'bench strength' in Middle East culture

Developing the role of HR Business Partners

Building strategic capability in senior engineers

Aligning cultural processes following merger

Global supply chain development

Restructuring and reskilling the Human Resources function

Experiential learning for global managers